Liturgical Ministries
Each time we gather to celebrate the Sunday Eucharist, we listen to God’s word proclaimed. At the Table of the Word, we encounter Jesus Christ and are fed with his life-giving word. We rely on fully on initiated members of the Parish who are committed to proclaim the first two readings and announce the intercessions (prayers of the faithful) which form part of our response to God’s Word. Our dedicate team of readers also make them selves available for other celebrations throughout the year.
New ministers of the Word are asked to participate in the annual Diocesan workshop as well as a formation meeting in the Parish. Subsequently, they receive a mandate from the Bishop and are scheduled for ministry by our parish coordinator. If interested in becoming a lector, please contact the Parish Office.
Extraordinary ministers of Holy Communion assist the Priest or Deacon to administer the Body and Blood of Christ to members of the Eucharistic assembly. In this ministry, fully initiated members of the Parish act as witnesses to Christ's own loving service to his Body, the Church. Extraordinary ministers of Communion assist in uniting the members of our Parish in the Body and Blood of Christ.
New Extraordinary Ministers of Communion are asked to participate in the Annual Diocesan workshop as well as a formation meeting in the Parish. Subsequently, they are mandated by the Bishop and scheduled for ministry by our parish coordinator. If interested in becoming an Extraordinary Minister of Communion, please contact the Parish Office.
We rely on Ministers of Communion to bring the Eucharist to the sick and homebound members of our community. Through this ministry, those who are unable to join us for the Sunday Eucharist are united with us sacramentally. Some ministers bring Communion to the residents at Aberdeen Gardens (usually on Wednesdays) and others bring Communion to the homebound as this ministry is needed.
New Ministers of Communion to the sick and homebound are asked to participate in the Annual Diocesan workshop as well as a formation meeting in the Parish. Subsequently, they are mandated by the Bishop and scheduled for ministry by our parish coordinator. If interested in becoming a Minister of Communion to the sick and homebound, please contact the Parish Office.
We rely on the ministry of young people to assist at the altar during our Sunday Masses. This ministry involves carrying the Cross and Candles during processions, holding the book for the Priest at the Chair, placing the Missal on the altar and assisting with the bread and wine at the altar. Any young person who is in grade three or older and has the support of his or her parents can actively participate in this ministry. Following preparation meetings in the Parish, altar servers are scheduled for Sunday Masses. On occasion, they may be asked to serve at other liturgical celebrations as needed. If interested in becoming an Altar Server, please contact the Parish office.
We are grateful for adults who are available to serve at the Altar for funerals in our Parish. They carry out the same ministries as the younger altar servers but are available during the week as needed for the celebration of Funeral Masses. They also exercise this ministry at the Easter Vigil. This is an ideal ministry for retired people who wish to make an important contribution to the Church’s ministry of consolation. If interested in becoming an Altar Server, please contact the Parish office.
The ministry of hospitality provide a welcome to all who join us for Sunday Mass and other liturgical celebrations. Men and women who exercise this ministry are particularly attentive to visitors. They ensure that the disabled who require the accessibility lift are welcomed. The ushers arrange for members of the assembly to bring forward the gifts of bread and wine at Mass and take up the collection. At the conclusion of the Mass, the ministers of hospitality distribute the weekly news bulletin.
Children from J/K to grade 2 are invited to participate in the Children’s Liturgy of the Word which takes place on most Sundays between September and June during the 10:00 a.m. Sunday morning Mass. Children join their families for the introductory rites of the Mass and then gather in the Parish Hall to listen to God’s Word and offer their prayers of petition. They return to join their families for the Liturgy of the Eucharist.
We are grateful for the dedicated leaders who volunteer to proclaim God’s word and lead the children to understand the Scriptures. If interested in becoming a leader for Children’s Liturgy, please contact the Parish Office.
Music ministry at St. Joseph Parish has a long and distinguished history. We are blessed with talented musicians who have for many years lead us in song during the Sunday Eucharist. Under the current direction of Colin Cousins music ministry continues to be a parish priority.
Music at the Saturday evening Mass is usually led by the organ and a cantor. Music at the Sunday morning Mass is led by our parish choir. Choir rehearsals take place each week on Thursday evenings at 7:00 p.m.
No auditions are necessary: just a good voice, a desire to use it for God’s glory, and a commitment to rehearsals and Sunday Mass. Instrumentalists are also welcome! If interested in being part of our music ministry, please speak to Colin after Sunday Mass or contact the Parish office.
Members of the Sacristy Team meet every Friday morning for about an hour following Mass to clean the sanctuary and furnishings and prepare the vessels and linens for Sunday Mass. They are also responsible for any flowers or other seasonal decorations which enhance our worship space. If interested, please contact the Parish office.