Parish Committees
Communication with parishioners is a pastoral priority in our Parish. Members of this committee oversee communication with parishioners which is provided by means of our parish website and weekly bulletins, and seasonal newsletters. Members of this committee also reach out to parishioners who are inactive or unable to participate at Sunday Mass and other parish activities, to ensure they are included in the life of our Parish. Members of this committee meet a few times each year. If interested in participating in this committee, please contact the Parish Office.
Members of the Education Committee meet a few times each year to recommend and organize opportunities for parishioners to grow in their knowledge of our faith and how we are called to live our faith in today’s world. Watch the Parish Bulletin for programs and events offered throughout the pastoral year which may be of interest to you, your families, and friends. If you are interested in being part of this committee, please contact the Parish Office.
The Church wisely requires that a Parish Finance Council exists in every Parish. The purpose of the Council is to regularly advise the Pastor in all matters related to parish finances and the maintenance of the Parish property. They are responsible for preparing the annual budget and for reporting to parishioners the financial state of the Parish.
The members of the Finance Council, appointed by the pastor for a three-year term, meet quarterly and whenever a special need arises.
At the very heart of our Parish life is the celebration of the Sunday Eucharist. It is the source and summit of the Christian life; it is indispensable for living an authentic Catholic life. The Liturgy Committee meets four times each year to prepare the major liturgical celebrations which are part of every Parish’s life and to provide on-going evaluation of our liturgical celebrations. Members of the committee represent the various liturgical ministry groups as well as those interested in learning about the Church’s liturgy. If you wish to be part of this committee, please contact the Parish Office.
The mandate of this ministry is to provide "our neighbours" who are in financial need with monthly assistance, in the form of food vouchers. To be eligible, clients must live within the boundaries of St. Joseph parish or be parishioners.
The funding for this ministry is provided by parishioners through a special collection the first weekend of each month. Clients receive the vouchers once a month on the second Wednesday of the month. Clients must provide ID to prove that they live within the parish boundaries. When funds permit, additional gifts or extra gift cards are distributed.
The Neighbours in Need committee also organizes and executes the Parish Christmas Food Hamper Program. We are grateful to all parishioners who so generously support this outreach program. If interested in becoming involved in the work of this committee, please call the Parish Office.
The Refugee Committee coordinate our Parish’s efforts to assist refugees seeking a place of safety and security in our community. The members of this community, with the important financial support of parishioners have recently assisted two families to be reunited and settled in Hamilton. In close collaboration with the Diocesan Office of Refugees, and in accord with the requirements of Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada, members of this committee accompany refugees prior to their arrival and for the first year upon their arrival. If you are interested in being part of this committee and its life-saving work, please contact the Parish Office.
Members of the Social Events Committee meet quarterly to recommend and organize social events which bring parishioners together so that we can get to know one another and enjoy one another’s company. Members of this committee are responsible for monthly Coffee Sundays during the pastoral year, and for Second Saturday Socials (dinner and movie) most months between October and May. When called upon, members of this committee assist with receptions following funerals in the Parish. This committee is also responsible for organizing the annual Parish Bazaar in November.
Many hands make light work – and so if you can help, please contact the Parish Office.
The purpose of this committee is to inform parishioners of our responsibility to ensure that all people are treated justly and with the dignity which is theirs as children of God. This committee provides opportunities for parishioners to respond to the social needs of our neighbours here at home and in the developing countries in our world. Members of this committee endeavour to keep before us the great social teachings of the Church, which ought to guide our relationships with others.
Members of this committee meet monthly to learn, discuss and take action on issues of Social Justice. New members are always welcome, please contact the Parish Office if interested. See the Social Justice Website for more information: http://www.sjsj.ca/
Our Parish participates in the mandatory Volunteer Screening Program of the Diocese of Hamilton. Accordingly, all volunteers for any ministry are required to be “screened” for their suitability for ministry. In most cases, this involves submitting a simple information form and a statement of one’s desire to undertake a ministry and the intention to treat those they serve with reverence and respect. This process is coordinated by a parishioner who works closely with the leaders of various ministry groups.
In addition to the information form, those who volunteer to serve in ministries with children and vulnerable adults are also required to obtain a vulnerable sector police check. This report is for the protection of the volunteers as well as those they serve. The Parish covers the cost of this report.
All information received is stored and kept confidential. For more information about Volunteer Screening and our Diocesan Safeguarding Protocols, please see the Diocesan Website (www.hamiltondiocese.com) or contact the Parish Office.
The Parish staff is actively engaged in ministry to St. Joseph School Community, providing class visits, preparing and celebrating various liturgies throughout the school year. A liaison with the school serves as a member of the Parish Pastoral Council.