The season of Lent begins with Ash Wednesday, on March 5, 2025. Lent is the yearly celebration by the Church of its corporate conversion to the Lord, Jesus Christ. During Lent, the liturgy prepares catechumens to celebrate the Paschal Mystery by the various stages of Christian Initiation. It also prepares the faithful for Easter as they recall their Baptism and do penance in preparation for the greatest Feast of the Year.
Lent has two major purposes: It recalls or prepares for Baptism and emphasizes a spirit of penance. Through forty days of closer attention to God’s word and of more fervent prayer, believers are prepared to celebrate the Paschal Mystery.
During Lent, the Church also calls us to be mindful of the social consequences of sin as well as the fact that the heart of the virtue of penance is hatred of sin as an offence against God. The Church encourages penitential practices that are external and social, reflecting the circumstances of individuals and communities, as we pray and do penance for sinners.
Mass and the Distribution of Ashes will take place during
Masses at 8:00 a.m. and 7:00 p.m.
Liturgy of the Word with Primary Grades at 9:45 a.m.
Liturgy of the Word and Distribution of Ashes
with Intermediate Grades at 11:00 a.m.